SQLServerCentral Editorial

Casino Night is Back


We are bringing back the SQL Server Central Opening Night party at the PASS Data Community Summit this year. This was one of the most fun things I've been a part of at the Summit for many years and I'm looking forward to the conference even more.

The party will take place Tuesday night, after the Welcome reception. from 8pm-10pm, once again catered as a casino themed party. I'm using the same company we've used in the past, and we'll have a cash bar and lots of prizes. I've already started to make a shopping list of fun things to give out as random prizes as you enjoy the games. In the spirit of competition., we will save a prize or two for the top chip winners.

We will have a limit to the number of people that we can host, as this is a community event, and I do have a budget. Rather than using the referral codes as we did in the past, this year we'll have a lottery. You'll have to be registered for the PASS Data Community Summit, but if you are, and want to come, then you'll need to fill out an entry form for the lottery.

We'll close the lottery on 21 Oct and then verify all the entrants are registered before randomly picking 150 of them. We are also working on a sponsor (for more prizes!!!!) and they'll have a few tickets to give away as well. If you want a Golden Ticket, you'll need to enter and cross your fingers. We only have limited space and may have a Scary DBA checking tickets at the door.

If you're on the fence about attending the Data Community Summit, maybe this will convince you to push on your management to send you. This is a huge data conference where you have the chance to learn, connect with others, and return to your job energized with lots of ideas, solutions, and inspiration for the future.

Good luck to everyone and I look forward to seeing the lucky winners at the Casino Night party.


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