SQLServerCentral Editorial

A Really Good Job


I write a decent amount about career topics. In the discussions for these pieces, all too often I see comments from people that they aren't happy with their job. They have a bad boss (which is really bad), or they aren't challenged. They have long hours, low pay, or both. It's sad, but I know how they feel. I've had some bad jobs in my life, jobs that I was forced to keep doing until I could find another one.

I do try to get people to think about looking for other jobs, and I think there are great ones out there. I'm not the only one. Brent Ozar had a post on how you might find your first good job, that of an evangelist. It's good advice, and I like the analogies he uses, but the key takeaway from his post is the people that get really good jobs work for them.

They don't study SQL Server to be the best MCM in the world. They don't work 100 hours a week at their current job to impress future bosses. They take charge of their lives. They make a plan, perhaps a Dan Plan, and they set goals and work towards them. They make methodical progress over time. My wife and I made a plan for her, and it took years to get to the point where she could quit, but we got there, and she's happier than she's ever been.

You don't have to want to be an evangelist like Grant Fritchey or myself. You don't have to want to even become an expert in your field. But whatever you want to do, it's up to you to get there. Whatever a "good" job is for you, I'd urge you to set your sights on making that a reality.

Steve Jones

The Voice of the DBA Podcasts

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