SQLServerCentral Editorial

A Quick Turnaround


I visited a customer last week and attended SQL Saturday Baton Rouge 2024. Both were fun events, and an enjoyable week, though I was away from my wife for 4.5 days, which she didn't love. Today, I had a quick turnaround, heading to Wisconsin Dells for THAT! Conference, which I attended last year and enjoyed. I didn't submit this to the event, but got asked to go as part of my job. I accepted, and I'm gone from home for a week between these two trips.

I do travel a lot, but these trips got me thinking about how many of us might handle the unexpected demands from our companies. In this case, I had planned on SQL Saturday Baton Rouge, but not a customer visit. I got asked a month ago to add this in, which was fine, but two weeks ago the trip got extended by another day. Just before I got the update from that call, I agreed to go to THAT! for a quick presentation.

As a developer, I've been given last-minute work. It might have been a bug that was discovered or a new request that was high priority. In those cases, I've often had to work more hours for a short period, usually long days or even weekends. I've lost personal time because of the hours, but also the stress, as my mind is elsewhere. As an Operations person, I sometimes get stuck at work overnight or for long parts of many days.

In most of my jobs, I've been a strong performer and had a good relationship with management. I've almost always been able to negotiate comp time for the extra hours spent. In some cases, I've been paid for them, but usually, there is the equivalent of shorter days for a period or even missing some days of work. Often this is off-the-books as most HR systems don't cope well with this.

For those of you who get unexpected demands, how do you handle things? Do you get something back from the company? Time, days, compensation, maybe even a thank you and a gift? It's not something that I think is universal, but I'd like to think it's common.

And if you're at THAT, say hello to me this week. I don't know when I'll get some shorter days, but likely they'll come in the next month as I try to catch up on ranch work.


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