
Technical Article

SQL Server Central Webinar Series #25 - Best Practices in Database Deployment Part 1: Aug 27th @ 4PM BST

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Join Grant Fritchey (SQL Server MVP) as he tackles the most common problems and pitfalls of database deployment. He will explain how you (and your team) can make your deployment process, faster, more efficient and most importantly less stressful!

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2013-08-26 (first published: )

4,472 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

#22: What counts for a DBA

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In this session Louis Davidson, Microsoft MVP, discusses how being observant of the environment you work in can help you make sure that you are aware of the health of your database systems, as well as your career. You can watch the complete webinar here. Answers to any questions asked are further down the page, […]

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953 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Webinar: Forgotten Rings and Other Monitoring Stories

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In this session, Grant Fritchey, Microsoft MVP, drills down into a few of the more obscure monitoring metrics that can give you very precise information about exactly what's happening within your server. He'll also show you how you can use custom metrics to enable these metrics in Red Gate's SQL Monitor.

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Technical Article

SQL Server Central Webinar Series #23: Safeguard your data offsite with SQL Backup Pro

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You may already have a great backup and recovery plan. However, if something were to happen to your databases and you needed to restore from your backups, you’d want to be in control, with the ability to access a copy of those backups quickly, restoring them with minimal downtime and minimal fuss.

In this session Grant Fritchey, SQL Server MVP, will discuss the key reasons why you need to have offsite backups, and the advantages of hosted storage. He’ll address some of the fears surrounding cloud backups, and show how offsite backup is made quick and easy with the new ‘backup to hosted storage’ features in SQL Backup Pro 7.3.

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2013-04-23 (first published: )

2,913 reads


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