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Advanced SQL Server installation using Powershell DSC

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Introduction In the previous article, we learned how to install a SQL Server instance with basic parameters like InstanceName, Features, SourcePath, SQLSysAdminAccounts, etc using Powershell DSC. In this article, we'll discover how to enhance our SQL Server installation with additional configurations. We'll cover things like setting up service account credentials, custom installation directories, configuring TempDB […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

You Never Know

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I'm writing this sitting at the PASS Data Community Summit. It's been a fantastic event. I gave a community session on Azure DevOps. I was able to help Redgate launch a new product. I've received a bunch of hugs from VERY dear old friends. I've met a ton of people. It's been great. Allow me […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Scheduling SQL Agent Jobs on Alternating Weeks

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Bi-week... semi-week... fortnight... "every two weeks" Recently on the SQL Community Slack group, someone asked if there was a way to schedule a backup to run on alternate weeks. I'm not exactly sure why (maybe they wanted to run full and differential backups on alternating weeks), but yes, we can do that. In part one […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Transform your Winning team into a Champion Team

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Businesses worldwide now operate on a team basis, and a high-performing team is crucial for high-performing organizations. Winning teams are more focused and better than regular teams. They focus on synergies and achieving significant results. They are an extension of regular teams with a higher sense of commitment to objectives and mutual purpose. Winning teams have a clear mission and achievable performance goals for each member, aiming for extraordinary goals. They are more committed to the vision and have a passion for achieving the mission. Winning teams work collaboratively to discover new work approaches, principles, and practices, focusing on decision-making, creative problem-solving, industry standards, and effective communication. They establish processes from beginning to end to complete tasks effectively. The difference between winning team and a regular team is very clear. However, what makes a winning team a champion team. This paper aims to provide valuable insights into the differentiating factors of a champion team from a winning one.

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Celebrate THEIR Accomplishments

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I can't hide this in any way. I love it when I accomplish something. It's such a great feeling. Even more than that, I really do love getting some acknowledgement for it. Almost as good, is when I see others, especially friends and acquaintances, doing well. So many people I know, regularly just knock it […]

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A New Word: Incidental Contact High


incidental contact high – n. an innocuous touch by someone just doing their job...

Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server and Entra Groups


My company is moving from an Azure PostgreSQL single server to a flexible server....

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