Calculate gregorian easter sunday using a table valued function
Calculate gregorian easter sunday using a table valued function.
2014-09-03 (first published: 2014-08-22)
674 reads
Calculate gregorian easter sunday using a table valued function.
2014-09-03 (first published: 2014-08-22)
674 reads
In this tip, Koen Verbeeck explores how to apply business intelligence solutions to administrative tasks, specifically creating custom reports and adding them to SQL Server Management Studio.
10,920 reads
2,070 reads
It's you versus the computer in the classic game of Battleship, completely playable from the SQL Server Management Studio interface!
2019-04-15 (first published: 2014-04-25)
8,211 reads
Greg Larsen discusses the BUCKET_COUNT setting of a HASH index and how to determine how well SQL Server distributes the In-Memory table rows across multiple buckets of a HASH index, by exploring a new DMV, provided with SQL Server 2014, along with the In-Memory OLTP table functionality.
2,032 reads
This function counts the number of 1's in the binary representation of an integer.
2015-07-28 (first published: 2014-02-24)
946 reads
I wrote this query that helps us find executed queries with most number of execution counts. The DMV that we have used in this script is sys.dm_exec_query_stats and the function that we have used is sys.dm_exec_sql_text.
2015-03-04 (first published: 2013-09-23)
4,984 reads
When you need to present the same SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) report in eight or more different languages, or in different formats for different recipients, and the boss demands last-minute changes, it suddenly makes sense to use the Report Definition Customisation Extension (RDCE) .NET class library to create the final reports automatically. But how?
2,460 reads
An introduction to Universal Product Codes with code to help you use them in your database.
6,536 reads
As the volume of data increases, DBAs need to plan more actively for rapid restores in the event of failure. For this, the intelligent use of filegroups is important, particularly when the Enterprise Edition of SQL Server offers the hope of online restores. How, though, should you arrange your data on the different filegroups? What happenens if the primary filegroup gets corrupted? Why backup and restore indexes?
2,996 reads
By Steve Jones
lilo– n. a friendship that can lie dormant for years only to pick right...
I spend my days working on and managing SQL Server instances—working days at least,...
Want to learn SQL and get some real practice this December? Check out the...
Hi I am working on a rolling average calculation that is not working quite...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Subscribing to a Great New...
Hi, is there a way when using excel as a flat file source in...
What happens when I run this code:
EXEC sp_executesql N'PRINT 1; GO';See possible answers