
SQLServerCentral Editorial

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

  • Editorial

Yesterday morning I sat down to start a new project. Before I got started, I knew I needed to put this in source control. Now, the project was going to be in AWS, but, AWS has shut down their flavor of Git, CodeCommit. I decided to use GitHub instead, no big deal. Well, until I […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

It's The People

  • Editorial

Last week the 2024 PASS Data Community Summit conference was held in Seattle. 1,700 of my closest friends got together for a week of learning (well, technically it's a three day conference, but there are two days of pre-conference seminars) and sharing. I'm still exhausted a week later (although, old age and an aggressive travel […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Are We Dinosaurs?

  • Editorial

Let's talk about the elephant in the room right up front. Yes, I'm old. I remember when Buck Woody was a little tyke on the day the last of the Tyranosaurs died (I'm older than Buck). So, I'm not asking if I'm old. Yes. I'm old. No, I'm asking if that massive meteor strike over […]

5 (3)

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My 2024 in Data: Music


This is my last week of the year working (I guess I come back...

A New Word: Suente


suente– n. the state of being so familiar with someone that you can be...

Side Projects


Anyone (everyone?) who has ever tried to learn a programming language knows that to...

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Timeout Error while executing a TSQL statement in Sql server Express Edition

By IT researcher

I am getting the below error when I execute a SQL command in SQL...

Timeout Error while executing a TSQL statement in Sql server Express Edition

By IT researcher

I am getting the below error when I execute a SQL command in SQL...

Sql script replace and rearrange numbers

By diegodeveloper

Hi everyone. I have this table and this information. (left side of the image)...

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Question of the Day


We have DDL, DML, and DCL. What is DCL used for?

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