Technical Article

Detection of Broken Forign Key Relationship

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Under special circumstances, it could happen that database contains "orphan" records. Data in dependant table exists without it's "parent" record in a master table. It could be caused by a bulk insert operation without CHECK_CONSTRAINTS option, or by disabling foreign key for a while or adding a foreign key to a table that already contains […]

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Technical Article

Rows count for each and every table in a DB 

  • Script

       By using this script one can find number of rows for each and every table in a database. Just cut and past this script in your DB and excute. A stored procedure will be created as 'Get_rowcounts_for_eachtable'. If U excuted this stored procedure, U can get all tablenames and rowcounts for respected […]

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Technical Article

SP to import to a file

  • Script

Is a SP that imports a table to a file. You just put the table name, the path and the sa password and then you have it. It is important that it parse the table inserted (pubs.dbo.sales for example) and checks that the db, the table with the owner exists

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Technical Article

Encryption Example

  • Script

Here in this T-sql tip I'am trying to compare the word "Hijacker" with two cases(line 3 and 4). Now they are in same when you compare the case (letter to letter), now you change the case of word "Hijacker" in either of the lines and run this SQL statements it will return different results. This […]

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A New Word: Incidental Contact High


incidental contact high – n. an innocuous touch by someone just doing their job...

Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server and Entra Groups


My company is moving from an Azure PostgreSQL single server to a flexible server....

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