Technical Article

Copy rows generator

  • Script

This stored procedure is created from the need to copy rows from a table with new value. The script itself will create stored procedure proc_copyrows.The parameters are@TableName: the table name@FilterField: filter field, default is null, means no filter@SourceValue: the value of filter field from source data to be copied@DestinationValue: the new value of filter field@SourceDB: […]

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Technical Article


  • Script

sp_XTAB (prototype) produces pivoted (crosstab) views/output with a minimum of fuss.No messing with code, just tell XTAB what you want to pivot.Tested to 764 pivoted columns, XTAB can generate up to 63000 characters of dynamic sql. Example (deliberately over-simplified)----------------------updated 27 January 2004Use NorthwindEXEC sp_XTAB 'Northwind','xtEMPL_COUNTRY','Orders','EmployeeID','ShipCountry', '', 'OrderID','COUNT','NULL', '', 'SELECT xtEMPL_COUNTRY.* FROM xtEMPL_COUNTRY' -- Include optional […]

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384 reads

Technical Article

UDF For Extracting Actual Time From Two DateTime

  • Script

Hi guys,       I have created a script of User-Defined-Function to extract the calulated time from two given datetime inputs. But you have to pass THREE parameters like :-a)Start Datetimeb)End Datetimec)To display the format either in HH:MM:SS or HH.MM , we    use 'T'(HH:MM:SS) OR 'N'(HH.MM).   Please feel FREE to E-mail me at […]

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130 reads

Technical Article

Generate Random Alphanumeric Strings

  • Script

This script will generate and populate a table variable with a stipulated number of unique 8 randomly generated character alphanumeric values. This can be useful in situations where one has to allocate passwords or unique id to users. It accepts one input parameter "@HowMany int" representing the number of these alphanumeric values to generate; default=500.Usage: […]

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2004-07-06 (first published: )

3,272 reads

Technical Article

Generating random numbers in a range, sql2k

  • Script

This script will generated random numbers within a choosen Upper and LowerBound. I'v created a random number (int's) generator since i couldnt find a script which exactly did what I was searching for. The RAND function seems to do repetive patterns, so i created a new function based on the NEWID function.After running the two […]

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2004-10-08 (first published: )

378 reads

Technical Article

Find Overlapping Jobs

  • Script

Script lists all overlapping jobs that ran on selected server within last @Hoursback hours.Basically, idea behind this is to find jobs that are running at the same time, because that might significantly slow down server, especially if you have jobs that are running during business hours. You can do the same by looking into Jobs […]

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Timeout Error while executing a TSQL statement in Sql server Express Edition

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