Technical Article

Advanced Search Stored Procedure

  • Script

The script finds occurrences of string(s) in stored procedures, triggers and views. You can use typical boolean logic as described in the script comments. Very useful.  It was found on the companion cd to [Gurus Guide to Transact-SQL] by Henderson.  I left in the original credits.  Excellent procedure.  Some may scoff but I place it […]

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2004-07-15 (first published: )

657 reads

Technical Article

Format numeric values to language specific format

  • Script

SQL Server returns numeric values always in a internal format. The conversion of numeric values into a language specific format is usually part of the client. With this User Defined Function, you can do thison your backend. The function expects 3 parameters: The numeric value, the requested language and the number of decimals (will be […]

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2004-07-13 (first published: )

304 reads

Technical Article

Ping Linked Server

  • Script

This Stored Procedure serves to verify if some error with the source of data of a Linked Server exists. In this in case,  I will use a mdb that already exists in the Office - Northwind.mdb. If we do a Link Server  concerned to this mdb, this is generated without errors . But when this […]

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2006-11-02 (first published: )

708 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

When To Use the Order By Clause

  • Article

The ORDER BY clause is one of the basic keywords that defines the SQL Language. And it can help prevent strange results from being returned to the average user. Read on to see how and why this addition to your queries can help ensure more "ordered" results 🙂

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11,506 reads

Technical Article

Foreign keys chain in a view. It may be useful.

  • Script

I made this view because I had to generate a sql server database from  an Oracle database and I had to knew the order in which I import tables.This view, which may be improved, contains the foreign key, the primary and detail table, the column and it's position and may be useful in  many situations

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2004-08-25 (first published: )

106 reads

Technical Article

Get all Tables and Columns for each Database

  • Script

This script will get the name of each database from master..sysdatabases, then use each database's Information Schemata to get the tables and columns in each of the databases. Several recent requests for assistance have used this to answer their needs. I ran it across 245 databases and pulled back 1.4 million results in about 30 […]

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1,328 reads

Technical Article

SP to search String in TEXT of SPs

  • Script

Well this is an addendum to my earlier post for searching a specific string in all the Stored Procedures defined in a database and returning the name of the stored procedure in which it is contained. This is optimized based on suggestion of Greg and I thank him for his advise.

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