Business Intelligence Architect, Analysis Services Maestro, and author Bill Pearson introduces three similar DAX Time Intelligence functions related to Date: TOTALMTD(), TOTALQTD(), and TOTALMYD(). He discusses the syntax, uses and operation of each function, and then provides hands-on exposure to it in Power BI.
2024-01-16 (first published: 2023-09-27)
879 reads
In this first level of the Stairway to DevOps, you will learn how to get version control set up on your local machine and connect to an Azure DevOps repository.
2023-10-16 (first published: 2023-09-13)
2,682 reads
Business Intelligence Architect, Analysis Services Maestro, and author Bill Pearson introduces three similar DAX Time Intelligence functions related to Date: CLOSINGBALANCEMONTH(), CLOSINGBALANCEQUARTER(), and CLOSINGBALANCEYEAR(). He discusses the syntax, uses and operation of each function, and then provides hands-on exposure to it in Power BI.
2024-01-16 (first published: 2023-08-30)
798 reads
Business Intelligence Architect, Analysis Services Maestro, and author Bill Pearson introduces three similar DAX Time Intelligence functions related to Date: OPENINGBALANCEMONTH(), OPENINGBALANCEQUARTER(). and OPENINGBALANCEYEAR(). He discusses the syntax, uses and operation of each function, and then provides hands-on exposure to it in Power BI.
2024-01-16 (first published: 2023-08-23)
1,396 reads
Business Intelligence Architect, Analysis Services Maestro, and author Bill Pearson introduces four very similar DAX Time Intelligence functions related to Date: PREVIOUSDAY(), PREVIOUSMONTH(). PREVIOUSQUARTER() and PREVIOUSYEAR(). He discusses the syntax, uses and operation of each function, and then provides hands-on exposure to it in Power BI.
2024-01-16 (first published: 2023-07-19)
1,023 reads
Business Intelligence Architect, Analysis Services Maestro, and author Bill Pearson introduces four very similar DAX Time Intelligence functions related to Date: NEXTDAY(), NEXTMONTH(). NEXTQUARTER() and NEXTYEAR(). He discusses the syntax, uses and operation of each function, and then provides hands-on exposure to it in Power BI.
2024-01-16 (first published: 2023-07-05)
1,173 reads
Business Intelligence Architect, Analysis Services Maestro, and author Bill Pearson introduces two DAX Time Intelligence functions related to the Date: FIRSTDATE(), and LASTDATE(). He discusses the syntax, uses and operation of each function, and then provides hands-on exposure to it in Power BI.
2024-01-16 (first published: 2023-03-01)
5,021 reads