SQLInsider Scripts

Technical Article

Finding Procedures with a specified text

  • Script

This script will give the text of all the procedures with occurences of a specifc variable. Syscomments has a limitation of 4000 characters but this script overcomes that as it uses DMO. The output is generated in a text file. If you want the name of the procedure only. replace the line where it says […]

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2005-03-03 (first published: )

170 reads

Technical Article

UDF to return Years, Months & Days between 2 dates

  • Script

There are two UDF's included here.The first one will return the number of Years, Months and Days between a Start and End date.The second one will return either Years, Months or Days which makes it much easier to include in a select.If you know of or find a better/faster way to do this, then please […]

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2006-08-01 (first published: )

171 reads

Technical Article


  • Script

If we give SP_HELP , we'll know to which File Group the table belongs.If we give SP_HELPFILEGROUP , we'll know the logical and physical file names along with other information that belong to the given File Group. But have you ever tried that, given a file group, how to find all the tables that belong […]

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137 reads

Technical Article


  • Script

Are you managing big databases with a lot of tables like SAP as I'm?Do you use sp_spaceused, as I'm?Do you want to know your n biggest tables as I'm?Then don't search any longer.I'm using this script every day for may maintenance jobs.I generates, like sp_spaceused, out of sysindexes the n biggest tables without any cursor, […]

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301 reads

Technical Article

Decimal2Text Measurement Function

  • Script

This function is based on a script by Tim Dietrich (tim@timdietrich.us) named format_height.sql. His function took what he called a decimal representation of a measurement and formatted it as feet and inches. In reality the input value was just a measurement formatted to look like a decimal number but it was not a true decimal […]

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The Reindeer Count

How many reindeer does Santa have pulling his sleigh? (according to the famous song) Hint, the answers are not base 10.

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