The ROI of SQL Prompt
Find your personal ROI in under 1 minute. And see how many working days you and your team could save in coding time with SQL Prompt!
Find your personal ROI in under 1 minute. And see how many working days you and your team could save in coding time with SQL Prompt!
SQL Prompt has long been a customer favorite thanks to its ability to boost productivity. Discover how fellow database professionals are leveraging SQL Prompt to accelerate their coding speed and improve code quality.
Last year, we introduced AI capabilities to SQL Prompt via the Prompt+ Early Access Program (EAP). Using generative AI-powered insights and context-based awareness, Prompt+ takes natural language queries and turns them into SQL coding suggestions. Check out this blog to learn more about Prompt+ and how to join the EAP waitlist.
Phil Factor explains how to use SQL Prompt, or SQL Change Automation, to detect use of deprecated SQL Server syntax, during development, and Dynamic Management Views and Extended Events to track its use on working databases.
Louis Davidson provides a pair of SQL Prompt snippets that will help you deal with dependencies, whenever you need to drop columns or tables.
Phil Factor explains the factors that determine whether a column will allow null values, if you don't specify it explicitly in the column definition. If you rely on the default behavior established by your connection settings, you could be in for some nasty surprises.
Louis Davidson discovers the joy of using SQL Prompt code snippets to remove repetition from a variety of tasks, from inserting comment headers, to creating tables, to executing useful metadata queries.
Phil Factor explains the factors that determine whether a column will allow null values, if you don't specify it explicitly in the column definition. If you rely on the default behavior established by your connection settings, you could be in for some nasty surprises.
Louis Davidson discovers the joy of using SQL Prompt code snippets to remove repetition from a variety of tasks, from inserting comment headers, to creating tables, to executing useful metadata queries.
Floating point datatypes accommodate very big numbers but sacrifice precision. They are handy for some types of scientific calculations, but are dangerous when used more widely, because they can introduce big rounding errors.
By Brian Kelley
Core skills depends on the position, but the point is that ensuring you have...
By Steve Jones
zverism – n. the wish that people could suspend their civility and indulge in...
By Kevin3NF
The Source Control Dilemma Every DBA has been there. Trying to keep track of...
Hi I have a task in my SSIS package that moves files from source...
We are migrating our environments to Azure, it will be a mix of SQL...
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