Sometimes you need to completely change your software, perhaps on a new platform. Steve has a few thoughts on this drastic action.
159 reads
Sometimes you need to completely change your software, perhaps on a new platform. Steve has a few thoughts on this drastic action.
159 reads
Code reviews are a good way to not only improve your quality, but also raise the skill level of your staff.
214 reads
There are a number of ways to run SQL Server for free (or low cost) for development. Read a bit about how to do this.
4,509 reads
At Redgate, the teams change every year and Steve has a few reasons why this is good.
178 reads
When it comes to building websites, how you work with your database can make a huge difference in how well your site runs. That's especially true if you're using Django, a popular tool for making websites with Python. Django comes with something called an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) layer, which is a fancy way of saying […]
4,315 reads
Learning to make decisions and then get work done is important to Steve. Read his thoughts today on many of the decisions software teams need to make.
165 reads
Today Steve has a few stories of how he's fixed poor programming practices and asks you to share your own.
326 reads
Speed of delivery and protecting data can often feel incompatible, but there are industry-proven database DevOps practices that bring them together in harmony.
Across each of these five key practices, there’s a theme of removing barriers and cognitive load for teams; but crucially, they are also putting safeguards in place to reduce the risks to production environments.
Today Steve looks at the case when one software developer finishes their work, but another doesn't. The challenge of reordering work is something that happens more and more as teams struggle to coordinate their efforts.
107 reads
Code reviews are a part of many software development processes, but not used that often with database work. Today Steve has a few thoughts and asks if you have any formal code review process.
354 reads
If you’re an experienced SQL user eager to sharpen your expertise with real-world challenges,...
By DataOnWheels SQL Saturday Atlanta BI is one of my favorite SQL Saturdays of the...
By Kevin3NF
We get it. There’s no budget for a DBA on staff, or even a...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Dynamic T-SQL Script Parameterization Using...
Hi I want below data to appear like below using query CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Test](...
I manage a two-node production SQL cluster running SQL Server 2017 CU31 on Windows...
What is a partial backup for a read-write database?
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