
Technical Article

Part 1 -- Restore a database to another instance...

  • Script

A great script that I wrote some time ago to allow the last database backup to be restored across a linked server to another server, after running a remote sproc on the destination to kill off any users on the receiving side.

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2016-03-14 (first published: )

826 reads

External Article

Do you regularly run queries and scripts in SSMS?

  • Article

SQL Server Management Studio is where most SQL scripts and queries are run, and although it does a decent job, it doesn't provide much help storing, sharing and managing the scripts particularly in the context of a team. Red Gate is considering building functionality into SSMS to help its users consume and share queries and scripts. Please help us by completing this short survey to help us define the requirements.


3,832 reads

Technical Article

Grouped Failover, a 2008R2 version of Availability Groups

  • Script

One of the new cool features in SQL 2012 is the SQL Server Availability groups. In other words being able to failover a group of databases which are logically connected. i.e. SharePoint databases. Well, it is also possible to do that in SQL 2008 (R2). It’s called a Grouped Failover.

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2013-01-24 (first published: )

565 reads


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Timeout Error while executing a TSQL statement in Sql server Express Edition

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We have DDL, DML, and DCL. What is DCL used for?

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