Redgate Software

External Article

ReadyRoll is a Fully Fledged Redgate Tool

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In June last year we got in touch to let you know that Redgate acquired ReadyRoll. Over the last few months, ReadyRoll went from a one-man project to having a team of developers, testers, and support engineers behind it. Dan Nolan, the founder of ReadyRoll, is now a product manager at Redgate. And next week it’s time for ReadyRoll to become a fully-fledged Redgate tool available from


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External Article

Job overran Custom Metric

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This SQL Monitor custom metric tells you if a specific SQL Server Agent job that runs at the same time every day has overrun. The metric is useful when a job can have negative effects on other processes if it overruns.


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External Article

New Custom Metric: Long Running Job

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SQL Monitor’s Job duration unusual alert is a powerful tool for keeping track of most jobs in your SQL Server environment. It works by comparing the running time of any job instance against the median for that job, and identifying when a variation in the job duration could hint at a performance problem. However, if your environment contains big jobs whose durations vary by several orders of magnitudes, it can be tricky to specify what kind of variation is expected and what would be unusual. For these cases, it is possible to go beyond the functionality of the built-in alert with a custom metric.


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A New Word: Incidental Contact High


incidental contact high – n. an innocuous touch by someone just doing their job...

Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server and Entra Groups


My company is moving from an Azure PostgreSQL single server to a flexible server....

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The survey is out now and you can share your experiences for a chance...

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Knowing What You Don't Know

By Louis Davidson (@drsql)

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