Product and Book Reviews

SQLServerCentral Article

Review - MSSQLRecovery

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Destroyed your database? Corrupted files? What about corrupted records? What do you do in SQL Server? MSSQLRecovery is a product that can help you with this and more. Read this review by Dale Elizabeth Corey and see if this product might be something you can use.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Review - SQLPackager

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Deploying a SQL Server database with your software can be tricky. It's easy to forget something that you added to development when trying to script out or detach and copy a database. And there's the whole problem of integrating the installation or upgrade into your main installation routine. New author Mark Vermeulen takes a look at Red Gate's SQLPackager, designed to make the job of deploying a database much easier.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Four of a Kind - Backup Software Shootout Part 2

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SQL Server has a rock solid backup and restore routine. However, it is not the most efficient way of handling the backups and restores. Neither in terms of time or space required. A number of software vendors have developed their own additions to SQL Server that accelerate or compress the backups (or both). Wesley Brown has taken four of these products into his environment and run some comparisons. Read about large databases in part 2 of this series.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Four of a Kind - Backup Software Shootout

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SQL Server has a rock solid backup and restore routine. However, it is not the most efficient way of handling the backups and restores. Neither in terms of time or space required. A number of software vendors have developed their own additions to SQL Server that accelerate or compress the backups (or both). New Author Wesley Brown has taken four of these products into his environment and run some comparisons. Read part one of his review.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Review - Apex SQL Edit

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SQL Server includes Query Analyzer as a client editing tool for T-SQL code. It's a great tool, but it does have a number of shortcomings. Apex SQL has released an editor that includes a number of features missing in Query Analyzer. Read this review by Brian Kelley.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Review - dbMaestro

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Version control in SQL Server is fairly immature, to put it nicely. Fortunately it's also an area that a number of vendors are working to make smoother. Dinesh Asanka looks at dbMaestro, a tool from Extreme Technologies to help you track changes in multiple databases.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Review: Typhon III from NGSSoftware

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Every shop with any sort of IT organization should be scanning for vulnerabilities and issues with their systems and SQL Server is no exception. Security software vendor has a tool that can scan and report on all your SQL Servers is an easy to use product called Typhon III. Our security expert Brian Kelley takes a look at this product.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Review: AppRadar

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Security in SQL Server is every DBA's concern. Your data is critical and ensuring that it is secure and intact is your responsibility. Application Security's AppRadar is reviewed by Dale Elizabeth Corey and provides monitoring of your critical databases for malicious activity and more.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Review: SQL Auditor

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How solid is your SQL Server database design? Will it perform well in practice? SSW has a product, SQL Auditor, that compares your design against a number of well known design rules and gives you reports based on how well your design does. Read Mike Pearson's review of this product.

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Function Defaults

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Function Defaults

I have created this function in SQL Server 2022:

    RETURN @one + @two
How can I call this and invoke the default value for @two?

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