
Technical Article

Performance Design Tip for Power BI: Be Careful of Dates

  • DatabaseWeekly

I have written about Date Dimension in Power BI in many posts, and it makes sense now to explain one of the most common performance challenges that I see in some of the models. Sometimes, your model size grows significantly big, and you have no idea...

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Technical Article

Power BI, Caching, Parallelism And Power Query Refresh Performance

  • DatabaseWeekly

Some time ago a customer of mine (thank you, Robert Lochner) showed me a very interesting scenario where a set of Power Query queries in Power BI Desktop refreshed a lot faster with the “Enable Parallel Loading Of Tables” option turned off.

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Monday Monitor Tips: VLF Alerts


A recent change made to Redgate Monitor to add a new alert for VLF...

Using T-SQL Snapshot Backup - Seeding Availability Groups


In this post, the fifth in our series, I want to illustrate an example...

A New Word: Tangency


tangency– n.  a fleeting glimpse of what might have been. I tend to live...

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Backup taking too much time

By VastSQL

Hi Experts, One of my Large database having about 4TB in size is taking...

Keeping QUERIES for Using Again and Adding DB to Git/Github and VS Code

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While I know that it will speed my learning to type queries as I...

Found a Tool Very Helpful for Beginner

By Ahr Aitch

I struggled with remembering the conventions I'd chosen when creating column names and data...

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Partial Backups I

What is a partial backup for a read-only database?

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