228 reads
228 reads
When you have a variable that hold a comma separated numbers like '1,2,3' and you have a table with a column that has the value that should match a number in that list, you can use this script to avoid building a string and then executing it.You have to convert the columnID to varchar, the […]
377 reads
This stored procedure produces a report of record counts for every table on your server. The record count report is organized by database, and table name.
646 reads
I have a set of data that I need to display in a random order each time I displayed it. There are several ways to do this, for example using a CURSOR to add each record to a temp table with a GUID, but a quick and dirty way to do this is to use […]
503 reads
Procedure that net sends a message to any user who logged in as SA.IN. had to use this once in the company where SA password was blank for a while and managment did not want to set a password on the account. You can also set it to work with any username or for users […]
876 reads
The information for backup size is stored in the backup_size column of the backupset table in the msdb database as the total bytes for that backup. This script allow you to look at the total back to tape or file so you can plan space needs for those devices. This is a simple piece of […]
4,584 reads
Here is handy procedure to generate random number.I find it useful when I generate large amount of test data in a database.For example if you need to create a Customer Data and what they have purchased in the last month to run perfrmance tests on large amount of data an set up necessary indexes.You can […]
657 reads
One thing that many people may do is disable a trigger temporarily to make changes without the trigger causing an issue. This is a simple way to quickly get all the triggers states in a database, so you can verify is it enabled or disabled.
483 reads
With this store procedure you can send a parameters like 2379.56 and it will return the word value "TWO THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED SEVENTY NINE AND 56/100".
673 reads
This UDF will parse a string delimited by the character you specify and return the value in the n-th position you requested.Example:select dbo.fn_parse('this string', ' ', 1) --> 'this'select dbo.fn_parse('this string', ' ', 2) --> 'string'select dbo.fn_parse('this string', ' ', 3) --> NULLselect dbo.fn_parse('this string', ' ', 2) --> ''
487 reads
By Steve Jones
I had someone reach out about generate_series() recently, saying they hadn’t realized this was...
I recently took and passed the DP-700 exam, which is required for the Microsoft...
As a Consultant, I would typically answer with – it depends! Then a typical...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Dynamic T-SQL Script Parameterization Using...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item How to Download and Restore...
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Tracking Table Sizes
What does this code return in SQL Server 2022+?
select bit_count(2.4)See possible answers