
Technical Article

Delete old versions of DTS packages

  • Script

This script will remove old versions of DTS packages. It accepts a single parameter which is used as a filter criteria on the package name. It will also remove package log records for the version that is deleted.EXAMPLE: EXEC usp_DelOldDTSPkgVersions @vcrPkgName = 'Devel'This will delete old versions for packages that have 'Devel' in the nameQuestions […]

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SQLServerCentral Article

Pro Developer: Improving Your Career In Any Economy

  • Article

Like many other areas of business, the tech industry has weathered the occasional slump over the past few decades. It's only natural that the fate of techies is closely linked to the tides of the business. However, in any economy, weak or strong, some people prosper and advance while others suffer the consequences.

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Technical Article

Monitoring SQL Server downtime

  • Script

The following script creates a monitoring utility to find out for how long a sql server was down prior to the latest startup. The script creates one table (tblHeartbeat), four stored procedures (uspFillHeartBeat, uspGetDowntimeSummary, uspCleanHeartbeat, uspAtStartup) and two jobs (FillHeartbeat and CleanHeartbeat).Notes:1. By convention I introduced in my company (UGO Networks, Inc.) all "service" database […]

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Technical Article

Creat a Pivot Table with several options

  • Script

Create a pivot Table similiar to Microsoft Access Pivot Command, Specify if there should be totals at the bottom, right or both..Uses a temporary table to hold the values..Bad part is the SQL that is generated can have no more than 4000 Characters..If not using any NVARCHAR characters, could make the sql up to 8000 […]

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Technical Article


  • Script

ps_SearchStoredProcedures provides a "find utility" to search for string in Stored Procedure(s) that you select without dumping to a SQL script file. This stored procedure returns a list of the stored procedures that the string was found in and list of line numbers where the text was found. Both parameters of the stored procedure allow […]

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Technical Article

Split Delimited String (Updated: Multi char delimeters)

  • Script

This UDF will take a delimited string and split it into a table. It has an identity field that is provided solely for uniqueness on the rows, but that can be removed to improve the speed, and optimize it. Sample call :dbo.fnSplit(, )@Data - the string to split apart@Delimiter - the seperator string, if DEFAULT […]

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