
Technical Article

Procedure Search by Keyword(s)

  • Script

Searches SysComments for occurances of entered keywords and returns a list of procedures that contain the keywords. eg1) To find all procedures with 'nMyColumn' in EXEC utl_ProcSearch 'nMyColumn' eg2) To find all procedures with 'nMyColumn' in and 'nMyColumn2' in EXEC utl_ProcSearch 'nMyColumn', 'nMyColumn2' eg3) To find all procedures with temporary tables in... EXEC utl_ProcSearch '#' […]

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Technical Article

Auditing Solution - Generate Triggers automatically

  • Script

The procedure looks at the table you want to be audited and writes the INS, UPD, and DEL triggers automatically required for the auditing to work. The auditing requires a table called Progress to hold the audit information in so have provided the DDL for this as well. Typically you would write a cursor to […]

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Technical Article

Stored procedure to expose information for a file

  • Script

I wanted to be able to use info about an operating system file in TSQL. So I wrote this stored procedure that uses the special stored procedures xp_fileexist and xp_getfiledetails. This can tell if a file or folder exists, and if it is a file what is its size, created date and time, last written […]

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Technical Article

Get list of files from dir and put in table

  • Script

This stored procedure reads the file names from a directory and stores just the names in a given table. It returns also the number of files present. The sp uses xp_cmdshell and so permissions are restricted to sysadmins and SQLAgentCmdExec. You can test with the following: Create Table ##tmp2 ( fldx nvarchar(255) ) Declare @FilePath […]

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External Article

BizTalk and XML: Add E-Commerce to Your App with XML and SQL Server

  • Article

XML support in SQL Server lives up to the hype that's always surrounded XML. Using SQL Server 2000, you can send queries over HTTP, save XML records to the database, and retrieve records via XML. This article shows how you can take advantage of these features in SQL Server 2000 by building a database entry system that keeps track of sales and customer information.


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lilo– n. a friendship that can lie dormant for years only to pick right...

Learning Database Design and Power BI Performance


I spend my days working on and managing SQL Server instances—working days at least,...

Free SQL Training: Dive into Databases This December!


Want to learn SQL and get some real practice this December? Check out the...

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The Funny Dynamic SQL

What happens when I run this code:

EXEC sp_executesql N'PRINT 1; GO';

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