Quick update/insert into one table from another
This script will show how quickly update records in one table with information from another or insert records if they are completely new.
2,200 reads
This script will show how quickly update records in one table with information from another or insert records if they are completely new.
2,200 reads
Detect SQL Server Instance(s) using reg.exe from the resource kit, just pass the host name! (and make sure reg.exe from the resouce kit is in the ../tools/bin directory. SS2k Only.Enjoy!
1,047 reads
This function provides easy email address creation from employee's LastName, First name.Enjoy!!
1,327 reads
SQL Server 2000 and Windows 2000 Only.Microsoft suggest using CDOSys rather than CDONTS. CDOSys stands for Collaboration Data Objects for Windows 2000 Subsystems. Below is a script that allows you do do just that. NO EXCHANGE REQUIRED!! Sample sends the user HTML Mail!Be sure to change @ServerIPAddr to your SMTP server.
1,901 reads
Getting tired of dropping tables just re-seed the identity column? Remember, TRUNCATE TABLE doesn't work with foreign keys on tables. --EXAMPLE:DELETE FROM MyTablesp_Reseed 'MyTable'
1,068 reads
Here's a stored procedure version of udf_CharIndex for SQL Server 7.Sample Usage: DECLARE @iPos INT DECLARE @nRet INT EXECUTE @nRet = sp_CharIndex 'W', 'Hello World', @nPos = @iPos OUTPUT IF @iPos > 0 PRINT 'found' ELSE Print 'not found' PRINT @iPos --Only uses on character.
537 reads
Need a quick way to list shared folders? Do it in one call. Great for ASP page popups and user drop-down lists.Let's say that you want to display a list of projects, just call usp_GET_ProjectFolder and VIOLA! Only works with 2k; however, can be ported to ss7 if the udf is ported to a proc […]
347 reads
Ever want to display (and edit) ASP code from the original .asp file? (like PHP's PHPInfo() function).To setup: * Just create a .asp with SQL Server connectivity. * Change @IISHostNameWWWPath to match your servername -OR- if SQL Server is on the same machine, use the next line instead. (see […]
529 reads
SQL Server 2000's extended properties provide an easy way to store your data dictionary documentation within the database itself. This stored proc provides an easy way to extract all the table and column-level descriptions from those system tables for reporting purposes. This procedure can easily be modified to provide additional information to suite your needs. […]
237 reads
This procedure will return useful columns information for VB developers. It shows column name, data type, size, vbtype, checktable (refferenced table) and flags: NoNull, IsIdentity, IsPK.Calling sample: mysp_columns 'customers'
691 reads
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As you begin the new year, if you don't already have time set aside...
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