Maintenance and Management

Technical Article


  • Script

This stored procedure checks the sizes of one or all databases (including total data, total log, data used/free, data used/free percentage, log used/free, log used/free percentage). If a database name is provided, it will only check the given db. If no parameters provided, all dbs will be checked and the total size of all dbs […]

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Technical Article

Script Database Objects

  • Script

Others have asked for this throught the disussion threads so I thought others might benefit as well.This SQL-DMO script will create multiple files for server logins (SIDs & encrypted passwords), database users, tables, procedures and views.1.  Alter the script to reflect your server and path for output files.2.  Create the job (ActiveX Script).Be great!Michael

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Technical Article

Script to gain capacity information

  • Script

Recently at my site we had a need to gather current capcatiy of all databases as well as table obejcts on our servers.  although there are some out of the box stored proceudres to assist in this effort as well as some schema objects, they mostly would return information on one database at a time.  […]

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Technical Article

Script All Jobs

  • Script

We utilize this to script our jobs on a scheduled basis.  The main advantage is that it is automated and really comes in handy when there is a large number of jobs.1.  Create a job; ActiveX Script.2.  Paste the code; change the server/path to your desired values.

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Technical Article

Check W2K Event log and send results to DBA

  • Script

This is a simple Script that checks the W2K event log of choice and emails the results to the DBA. This script also uses the find command so you can search for strings in your event logs. It creats two scripts, the first script sp_EventlogSys runs xp_sendmail which executes the second procedure sp_EventlogSysquery and attaches […]

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Timeout Error while executing a TSQL statement in Sql server Express Edition

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Timeout Error while executing a TSQL statement in Sql server Express Edition

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Sql script replace and rearrange numbers

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Hi everyone. I have this table and this information. (left side of the image)...

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