Lists details for all indexes on one or more tables / schemas, including row count and size. This version outputs the member seek + include columns as two comma separated output columns.
2009-01-19 (first published: 2008-08-01)
2,472 reads
In this script we create a temporal table and then review all indexes with next conditions.
avg_fragmentation_in_percent > 10 % or avg_page_space_used_in_percent > 90 %
2008-09-05 (first published: 2008-07-10)
4,647 reads
Generate Script to create all secondary indexes for a database. I have included the ability to generate online indexes if possible and the ability to move to another file group.
2011-09-23 (first published: 2008-07-05)
3,249 reads
Manual SP to Index Defrag a SQL 2000 database on SQL 2005 that run at spesific times at night
2013-12-17 (first published: 2008-05-07)
3,643 reads