Gets all columns infos, foreign keys (multicolumn fk handled), referenced primary keys, default and check constraints, indexes, Create/Drop scripts for all constraints.
2011-02-28 (first published: 2011-02-18)
1,577 reads
Rename the Foreign keys to standard notation - FK_childTable_ParentTable
2011-07-06 (first published: 2010-02-09)
1,161 reads
See indented tree of tables involved in foreign key cascade deletes.
2010-01-07 (first published: 2009-12-18)
1,711 reads
Truncates referenced tables
2009-01-23 (first published: 2009-01-14)
1,996 reads
Often during the development phase one is required to truncate a table. often the task of removing foreign key references is necessary to truncate. this sp takes the pain out of it.
2009-01-19 (first published: 2009-01-05)
1,296 reads