Shaking the Money Tree
Are developers or administrators worth more? Is it easier to get funding for one group or the other? Steve Jones asks the question in today's poll.
513 reads
Are developers or administrators worth more? Is it easier to get funding for one group or the other? Steve Jones asks the question in today's poll.
513 reads
Is the future for product releases and upgrades, to be synchronized with point releases? Steve Jones relishes the possibility.
569 reads
Why doesn't SQL Server just run smoothly after it's installed? Steve Jones thinks the problem is you.
97 reads
A legal challenge to the Sarbannes-Oxley act is being heard this fall. Steve Jones doesn't necessarily think this is a bad law.
652 reads
We all make mistakes, even when we are trying to help others. What should you do about it? Steve Jones has a few thoughts on advice online.
503 reads
Are you happy with your salary? Are you happy with the way you negotiated it? Steve Jones asks if you might like a different salary structure.
716 reads
What happens to the data of a company if it goes out of business? Steve Jones has a little experience and says it might not be as simple as you think.
529 reads
It's almost summer with Memorial Day coming next week in the US. For this Friday's poll Steve Jones asks about nothing to do with SQL Server, technology, or work.
474 reads
Is it easier to justify expenses fr a developer than an administrator. Steve Jones thinks it is.
83 reads
It's easy to get into a rut at work, and easy to just attempt to get some minimum amount of work done each day. Steve Jones is inspired today to think about doing more.
206 reads
By Steve Jones
The episode on data masking and subetting is out. You can see it here:...
By Brian Kelley
I'm listening to Effortless by Greg McKeon (link to author's page) through He...
This book was making its rounds on social media, and the concept seems interesting...
I declare @Where based on the input parameter in the stored procedure. Set @SQL...
Hi, hoping someone can help. We're in the process of migrating to a new...
I am building an ETL process between these tables in SQL Server 2022 set to 160 compatibility level:
CREATE TABLE Image_Staging ( imageid INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT Image_StagingPK PRIMARY KEY , imagestatus TINYINT , imagebinary IMAGE); GO CREATE TABLE Images ( imageid INT NOT NULL CONSTRAINT ImagesPK PRIMARY KEY , imagestatus TINYINT , imagemodified DATETIME , imagebinary IMAGE); GOI want to run this query to check if the images already loaded exist. This will help me decide if I need to insert or update an image. What happens with this query?
SELECT i.imageid FROM dbo.Image_Staging AS ist INNER JOIN dbo.Images AS i ON ist.imagebinary = i.imagebinary;See possible answers