SQLServerCentral Article

Automating DTS Execution

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Database Transformation Services (DTS) in SQL Server 200 was a breakthrough tool, really paving the way for a low-cost, easy to use, ETL tool. However, it was not a true robust programming environment and contains quite a few quirks that are apparent as you get into more detailed packages. New author Gus Carnu addresses one of those issues with a look at the ExecutePackage task.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Coupling Outlook to SQL Server

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SQL Server has drivers to read almost any data source, but they are not always the easiest to work with. New author Kevin Terry spent quite some time learning how he could pull data from Outlook using DTS and scripting. Most information on the internet requires Exchange to be on the same server as SQL Server to get the data, but this solution works with any configuration, and can pull any information, email address, contact information, etc. from Outlook.

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SQLServerCentral Article

DTS: Copy Objects Task

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SQL Server DTS may be one of the best tools ever included with a database server. It makes data movement, copying, any sort of ETL task a breeze. At least for the most part. Bruce Szabo found a place where the Copy Objects task sometimes doesn't work as expected. This article looks a problem he had as well as the solution that you can use to ensure that this task works reliably for you.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Comparison of Oracle Drivers

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Oracle is usually a dirty word in the SQL Server community, but like it or not, lots of data resides in Oracle databases. And SQL Server is often used to gather this data together in a warehouse of some sort for spinning cubes, generating reports, etc. Haidong Ji looks at the various methods that you can connect to an Oracle driver and compares the speed of each. If you need to get data from Oracle, or may need to, this is the place you want to start.

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