
SQLServerCentral Article

New T-SQL Features in SQL Server 2005 Part 2

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SQL Server 2005 has changed many of the ways in which we will use SQL Server in the future with a dizzying array of new features and enhancements. Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan brings us the second part in a series looking at what these changes do and how to use them.

4.11 (9)

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2007-11-28 (first published: )

20,395 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Source Control in SQL Server

  • Article

One of the most requested features from SQL Server developers is the integration of source control with T-SQL code. SQL Server Management Studio brings some integration with Visual Source Safe and longtime SQL Server author Raj Vasant explains it to us.

2.14 (7)

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2007-11-30 (first published: )

14,198 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

New T-SQL Features in SQL Server 2005 Part 1

  • Article

SQL Server 2005 has changed many of the ways in which we will use SQL Server in the future with a dizzying array of new features and enhancements. Sureshkumar Ramakrishnan brings us the first part in a series looking at what these changes do and how to use them.

4.73 (11)

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2007-11-27 (first published: )

27,910 reads

External Article

Beginning SQL Server 2005 Reporting

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In Part 1 of this article, we looked at the basics of SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 (SSRS). We built one report with the Report Wizard, and one report using the Report Designer. In Part 2, we are going to look in more depth at the features that you can use everyday as an SSRS developer.


3,902 reads


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