
SQLServerCentral Article

Dynamic Connection Strings in Reporting Services 2005

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Reporting Services is one of the most popular features of SQL Server 2005 and there have been a tremendous number of enhancements to this subsystem. New author Bilal Khawaja brings us a look at dynamic connection strings and how you can have one report pulling data from different servers.

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2008-04-03 (first published: )

20,735 reads

External Article

Using Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS)

  • Article

SQL Server 2005 has so many new features that in my opinion if you read only BOL for a year you'd find something new every day. One of those is Multiple Active Result Sets or MARS. Multiple Active Result Sets is a new SQL Server 2005 feature that, putting it simply, allows the user to run more than one SQL batch on an open connection at the same time.


2,563 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Adding Custom Code To Reporting Services

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Reporting Services has been greatly enhanced in SQL Server 2005 and become an integral tool in many SQL Server installations. Longtime autor Raj Vasant brings us an example of how you can enhance your reports with custom coded DLLs called from within the reporting engine.

4.9 (10)

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2008-01-15 (first published: )

21,651 reads

SQLServerCentral Article

Data Driven Subscriptions for Reporting Services (2000 and 2005)

  • Article

Reporting Services has proven to be one of the more useful subsystems of SQL Server. However the standard editions of both SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005 have limitations with regard to the subscription features. Jason Selberg brings us an updated version of his
code for extending the subscription feature.

5 (6)

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2008-01-22 (first published: )

27,824 reads


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