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SQLServerCentral Editorial

Subscribing to a Great New Year

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It is December 27, and the most significant day of the year for reviewing your life is quickly approaching. New Year’s Day is probably the most positive day of the year when people, in all manner of situations, think back to the previous rotation around the earth and decide what they will do better this […]

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45 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

The Pervasive Nature of Open Source

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This week there was a headline that said "Open Source Software Powers 96% of Modern Applications, New Study Finds" and if you stopped reading there, you might think, hey, it's not in the apps I work on. Or you might think that because you use OSS software, most of the world also does. Microsoft, Oracle, […]

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76 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Lies You Should Believe - Anything is possible

  • Editorial

We have all heard the saying I based this week's editorial on. It has been credited to Benjamin Franklin and goes like this, “You can do anything you set your mind to”. This is such a powerful way of thinking when you are starting a task. “I can do it, no matter what anyone says.” […]

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SQLServerCentral Editorial

PASS Summit Time

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As the Simple Talk Editor, I have had the privilege of attending numerous conferences these past few years, and all of them have been somewhere between great and amazing. Still, there is something a bit more special about the PASS Summit. Even before I started this position, I have been to the PASS Summit events […]

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34 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Being an extroverted introvert at a conference

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As I start this editorial, I am sitting at a PostgreSQL conference in New York City during the nighttime reception. The sound of 100 voices is not quite deafening, but it is certainly loud and understanding anyone in this group would be hard. It is also hard because I only know about four people at […]

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63 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Knowing What You Don't Know

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I used to think I knew everything. I felt like I had the world all figured out. But then, when I went to kindergarten, I realized that I didn't know much at all. As I grew older and finished college, I regained confidence in my knowledge and again felt like I knew everything about the […]

5 (1)

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106 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Getting and keeping fit

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Don't worry, this is a technical editorial, but the initial analogy starts a bit personal. For the past decade, I've been on a journey to get fit, facing setbacks along the way, such as surgery complications and broken bones, torn cartilage, and, most recently, broken metal implants. Throughout this time, my overall physical fitness has […]

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76 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

The Danger of Safety Assistance Tools

  • Editorial

During a speaker dinner the other week, a lot of topics were swirling around and a few caught my ear. One of these topics dovetailed nicely with a mistake I recently made. More on that later. The discussion was on the effect on safety that all the new safety-based tech is having on driving. Some […]

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68 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Is Perfect Software Attainable?

  • Editorial

I was in a social media discussion the other day where someone said “Perfection isn’t real, but progress is.” This started me thinking, is there really no perfection? Can you not actually create a piece of software that is perfect? Of course you can. As long as your requirements are perfect, and the code does […]

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Drop roles in Postgres


You can’t just exec DROP ROLE your_role_name; if it’s granted perms or other roles...

Get a PAT in Azure DevOps


I have a presentation recently on Continuous Integration Using Local Agents in Azure DevOps...

The Local OLLAMA Gui


I ran a small ollama model in a container and have been doing some...

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Why you should avoid Implicit Measures in your Power BI model

By Koen Verbeeck

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Why you should avoid Implicit...

Calculating Numerator and Denominator

By Reh23

Good evening, I have a rather peculiar issue while trying to calculate Numerator and...

Select statement with in using multiple columns

By mjohnson 71479

I inherited a mess.   The previous developer did not understand how to set up...

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The AG Synchronous Replicas

In a SQL Server 2022 Enterprise Edition AG, how many replicas can be configured with synchronous commit mode?

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