Database Design

External Article

Facts and Fallacies about First Normal Form

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When discussing the normalisation process, it is always the First Normal Form that causes the most grief and confusion. Anith Sen takes up the challenge to explain, in simple terms, exactly what the First Normal Form really is, and why it is so important for Database Design. Along the way, he dispels some of the myths that have grown up around 1NF.


5,827 reads

Technical Article

Perils of adding fields to database tables

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Adding a field to a database table is sometimes not as simple as it may seem. If certain situations are not considered when adding fields, you may find yourself looking at some long nights fixing database code. Today, database consultant Tim Chapman looks at two such scenarios, and how you can plan for their occurrence.


4,537 reads

External Article

Constraint Yourself!

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In his first article for Simple-Talk, Joe Celko demystifies the use of Constraints, and points out that they are an intrinsic part of SQL and are a great way of ensuring that a business rule is done one way, one place, one time.


2,846 reads


A New Word: Incidental Contact High


incidental contact high – n. an innocuous touch by someone just doing their job...

Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server and Entra Groups


My company is moving from an Azure PostgreSQL single server to a flexible server....

Take the 2025 State of Database Landscape Survey


The survey is out now and you can share your experiences for a chance...

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GIT Configuration and Automated Release for Azure Data Factory

By Sucharita Das

Comments posted to this topic are about the item GIT Configuration and Automated Release...

How to Add a New Shared Disk to a WSFC as a SQL Resource

By muhkam

Comments posted to this topic are about the item How to Add a New...

Knowing What You Don't Know

By Louis Davidson (@drsql)

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Knowing What You Don't Know

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Am I on Synapse?

How can I tell from T-SQL if I'm connected to SQL Server or Synapse Analyics?

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