Database Builds

External Article

Deploying Data and Schema Together with SQL Compare or SQL Change Automation

  • Article

You want to use SQL Compare or SQL Change Automation (SCA) to create or update a database, and at the same time ensure that its data is as you expect. You want to avoid running any additional PowerShell scripting every time you do it, and you want to keep everything in source control, including the data. You just want to keep everything simple. Phil Factor demonstrates how it's done, by generating MERGE scripts from a stored procedure.


SQLServerCentral Editorial

Over-thinking Database Build Scripts

  • Editorial

With SQL Server we tend to build databases, when necessary, from one or more build scripts. If making changes to existing versions of the database, we then script the required changes. Usually, a synchronization tool will create a script that can be tweaked to work; although occasionally it will require something more complicated, as when […]

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Technical Article

Static Data and Database Builds

  • DatabaseWeekly

Often, we can't build a fully functional SQL Server database just from the DDL code. Most databases also require what is often referred to as 'static', or 'reference' data, which will include such things as error messages, names of geographical locations, currency names or tax information. What's the best way to handle such data?

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External Article

Better Ways to Build a Database

  • Article

The purpose of a database build is simple: prove that what you have in version control can successfully create a working database, and yet many teams struggle with unreliable and untested database build processes that slow down deployments and prevent the delivery of new functionality. Grant Fritchey explains how to achieve an automated and reliable database build that is only as complex as the database system it needs to create.


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The Funny Dynamic SQL

What happens when I run this code:

EXEC sp_executesql N'PRINT 1; GO';

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