In database planning and design it is essential to plan out how much HD space you are going to need to store your data. If you use BOL and do a search for "Estimating Table Size" you get three articles: - Estimating the size of a table - Estimating the size of a table with […]
2006-06-21 (first published: 2006-06-13)
514 reads
You recently published a script showing how to do pagination (e.g. results 20 - 30 of 100) It's also possible to do it quicker and more elegantly without having to resort to building the sql string dynamically (never a good thing IMHO). You pass in 2 parameters, @PageIndex is the first record you want (so […]
2006-05-31 (first published: 2006-05-24)
1,271 reads
I was going through the painfull optimization of the database of creating better clustered indexes (not the default ones on the primary key).This operation was requiring removing all foreign keys to this table and then recreation them again.I created this script to optimize this quite tidious task.
2006-06-08 (first published: 2005-07-22)
740 reads
Out of the box, Reporting services does not handle divide by zero conditions gracefully. There are plenty of posting on how to use the IIF() function to accomplish this, with some rather horrific looking code. In order to simplify the coding process and make the resulting expressions readable by a mere mortal, I wrote the […]
2006-07-28 (first published: 2005-05-26)
3,977 reads
This script will drop all of the foreign keys on user tables in the database it is executed in. This is useful as a pre-load process.
2005-06-22 (first published: 2005-05-23)
811 reads
This script creates a table based function that returns time dimension that would typically be seen in a data warehouse. The time dimension has aggregate values for week, month, quarter, half, and year.
2005-03-04 (first published: 2005-02-23)
1,244 reads