Career Growth

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Outsourcing Operations

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When I first started working in technology in the 90s, it was a time of outsourcing lots of work overseas. Many large companies followed the wave of manufacturing in the 70s and 80s by many companies, including lots of semi-conductor manufacturers. I watched as a number of jobs moved overseas, though fortunately not mine. In […]

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140 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Fear of "What If"

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Fear and aging. Two of the things that most human beings have in common is that we are scared and getting older. Most of us we fear getting older, but that is a very different conversation altogether. I want to talk about the fear of what if. Today I have two things I am keenly […]

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2023-02-06 (first published: )

193 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Learning Leads To Learning

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I am an amateur radio operator. In the US this is commonly referred to as a ham, or a ham radio operator. My call sign is KC1KCE, as issued by the US government through the FCC. And yeah, I can hear you now, a ham is the geek equivalent of a cross-fitter. How do you […]

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2023-01-20 (first published: )

133 reads

SQLServerCentral Editorial

Improving Skills at Work

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A large part of the success I've had in my career has come from growing my skills, both technical and soft, throughout the years. I've always been driven to learn more and improve my ability to accomplish the tasks I've been assigned. Or those that I've sought out and tackled. A little initiative has been […]

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2022-12-23 (first published: )

381 reads


A New Word: Incidental Contact High


incidental contact high – n. an innocuous touch by someone just doing their job...

Azure PostgreSQL Flexible Server and Entra Groups


My company is moving from an Azure PostgreSQL single server to a flexible server....

Take the 2025 State of Database Landscape Survey


The survey is out now and you can share your experiences for a chance...

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GIT Configuration and Automated Release for Azure Data Factory

By Sucharita Das

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How to Add a New Shared Disk to a WSFC as a SQL Resource

By muhkam

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Knowing What You Don't Know

By Louis Davidson (@drsql)

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