Backup and restore

Technical Article

Restore Backup and all TRANLOGS in a specific DIR

  • Script

Many DBA's have a Maintenance plan running that creates a backup every night and a transaction log backup every hour.Restoring them to another server (for whatever reason) can be a tedious job. That is why I wrote this T-SQL script.It will read the contents of a backup directory created by the maintenance plan and create […]

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907 reads

Technical Article

Backup all Databases Using SQL LiteSpeed

  • Script

This script backs up all databases or a specified database to a disk location. Databases can be explicitly excluded from backup as well.  Can be used for Full, Differential or Transaction Log Backups.  Can also dynamically create sub directories for each database, as well as perform DBCC and restore verify operations.  Includes LiteSpeed support for […]

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1,477 reads

Technical Article

Custom Log Shipping

  • Script

There are mainly two components. One job that is managing the full database backup - restore and a second job that manage the transaction log backup - restore. At this two a new one similar with the full database backup - restore can be added for the differential backups if is the case. I will […]

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2005-02-15 (first published: )

1,028 reads

Technical Article

List SQL backups

  • Script

During the process of developing a script to make copies of local SQL database and transaction log backups, I needed to come up with an easy way of locating the backup files. This script queries the SQL2000 backup tables in the msdb database and returns backup start dates, types (D=database, L=Log, I=Differential) and the location […]

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603 reads

Technical Article


  • Script

Simple Procedure to rapidly rebuild a copy of Development TEST1 DB...Lovely and fast when Tard Developers have highlevels of access  and you just need them out to restore / refresh a db...KILL KILL KILL !!! Remember to reset / resolve users and permissions after this is run. I use a DTS RUN statment with a […]

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175 reads

Technical Article

Script to backup all databases

  • Script

A proc which gets a list of all databases (Exluding "excluded" ones) and backs them up.The backup files are stored in the directory \DatabaseName\DatabaseName.bakUNC names are supported provided SQL Server has write access to the location.It deletes backups older than x (Current 3) days.This can be changed.Add a job to execute the script of proc […]

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