350 reads
350 reads
In this article, we will explore the HTAP capabilities of Cosmos DB. The goal is to derive real-time insights from transactional changes made to Cosmos DB, in a cost-effective manner with minimal overhead. I want the solution to be scalable, reliable and overall simple to maintain.
2,195 reads
This article covers the basics of upserting data in CosmosDB using Azure Data Factory.
15,068 reads
Learn how you can query CosmosDB data from Azure Synapse in this walkthrough.
6,356 reads
Introduction Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft's globally distributed, multi-model platform-as-a-service (PaaS) database. Any web, mobile, gaming, and IoT application that needs to handle massive amounts of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data may use Azure Cosmos DB. Guaranteed high availability, high throughput, low latency, and tunable consistency help in reading and writing data at a global […]
6,292 reads
Today Steve looks at an article the migrates a relational model to CosmosDB.
688 reads
3,226 reads
Scripts contains 4 following functions. Users can create 3 different script from this for inserting, fetching and deleting a document.
1. Function Generate-MasterKeyAuthorizationSignature - This function is used to create connection to Azure cosmos DB. This function codes were taken from Technet.
2. Function Post-CosmosDb - Insert single document in azure cosmos DB. Same function can be used to perform bulkinsert. This function code was taken from following article. To make it useful i made some modification in it.
3. Function Get-CosmosDocument - Fetch single document from azure cosmos DB. Same function can be used to fetch all documents from Cosmos DB.
4. Function Delete-CosmosDbDocument - Delete single document from cosmos DB. Same function can be used to delete more than one document with some additional codes.
To use any of the function like Post,Get, Delete. you have to comment the other 2 function call. If you are using all 3 functions(Post,Get, Delete), Be cautious while using them.
2020-05-11 (first published: 2020-04-30)
3,683 reads
While the most common methods of interacting with Azure Cosmos DB involve programmatic access, there are times when you might want to perform a quick change or take a peek at some of documents in a collection. In such instances, it is typically more convenient to rely on the graphical interface. Fortunately, there are several options you can use to accomplish.
Cosmos DB delivers a wide range of advantages over traditional SQL and NoSQL-based data stores, including support for multiple consistency levels, latency and throughput guarantees, policy-based geo-fencing, automatic scaling, and multi-master replication model. However, it is a significant departure from the traditional database management and development approach that most database administrators are familiar with. Discover the offerings that you can use at no cost to gain hands-on experience with Cosmos DB.
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