Advanced Querying

SQLServerCentral Article

How many more Mondays until I retire?

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Depending on your age, you may not want to know this number, but as you advance in your career, this might be a problem that you look to solve one day. Peter Larsson takes a few minutes to work out a function in T-SQL that can be used to solve this or any similar question.

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SQLServerCentral Article

SQL Sudoko

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The latest puzzle craze seems to be Sudoko with all kinds of online puzzles, books, etc. appearing around the world. Longtime SQL Server guru David Poole decided solving the puzzles was not enough of a challenge and brings us some T-SQL to help solve those difficult ones keeping you from getting back to work.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Pivot table for Microsoft SQL Server

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One of the seeminly more popular enhancements in SQL Server 2005 to T-SQL is the PIVOT operator. There have been quite a few articles, but new author Peter Larsson decomposes in detail how you can perform this operation with previous versions.

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2007-10-02 (first published: )

75,741 reads

External Article

Counting Parents and Children with Count Distinct

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The aggregate functions in SQL Server (min, max, sum, count, average, etc.) are great tools for reporting and business analysis. But sometimes, you need to tweak them just a little bit to get exactly the results you need. For example, if your manager came to you and asked for a report on how many sales have been made to your clients and how large they were, would you know how to get the data you need efficiently? Mark ran into something like this recently and here's the approach he took to solve the problem.


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Question of the Day

Trigger Order III

I have created these triggers in SQL Server 2022:

CREATE TRIGGER triggertest_tri_1 ON dbo.triggertest FOR INSERT
PRINT 'one'
CREATE TRIGGER triggertest_tri_2 ON dbo.triggertest FOR INSERT
PRINT 'two'
I want to be sure that the trigger with "1" runs first. I decide to run this:
EXEC sp_settriggerorder@triggername = 'triggertest_tri_1', @order = 'first'
What happens?

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