Advanced Querying

SQLServerCentral Article

NULL Column Analysis

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NULL values in columns can indicate a few things, the value isn't known, it's not yet been filled in, or perhaps, as Leo Peysakhovich argues, the column isn't being used? How many SQL Server tables do you have with extra tables and columns that are not being used? Or maybe never have been? This article looks at a statistical analysis of columns using NULLs to determine if you might be able to remove certain columns.

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SQLServerCentral Article

How To Find SQL Server Objects

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SQL Server can grow to encompass hundreds of databases on a single server, each having hundreds or thousands of objects within it. A truly scalable RDBMS. However, how many times have you been searching through the Object Browser in QA or the left pane in Enterprise Manager searching for an object? New Author Ashish Kaushal gives us a method to easily search your server for that long lost object.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Conditional Statements in WHERE Clauses

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T-SQL is a powerful language, enabling you to handle many different types of set based operations. But having flexible WHERE clauses isn't something that many DBAs deal with on a daily basis. New Author Sotiris Filippidis brings us an article on how you can structure a WHERE clause to handle all types of strange business logic without using dynamic SQL. Read on to learn more about his technique.

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2007-09-28 (first published: )

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SQLServerCentral Article

Making good use of Sysforeignkeys table -- Part 2 Check Table Relation

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Using sysforeignkeys to discover SQL Server circular relationships. Have you ever tried this? Most of us probably haven't, but Jeffrey Yao often needs to reverse engineer databases for his clients. Here's a followup to his first article where he presents another of his techniques for doing a little detective work in your databases.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Extracting a String From Between Two Delimiting Characters

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String manipulation in SQL Server or T-SQL can be a challenage. There are multiple ways to accomplish every task and often learning a new one may spark some creativity in yourself or teach you a better way to accomplish an old task. New Author Stephen Lasham brings us his technique for extracting a string that is delimited from within a larger string. Something I'm sure we'll all have use for in the future.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Be Prepared - Part 2

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Error handling in SQL Server 2000 is tricky. And it isn't the most robust system in the world. Stefan Popovski started a series on error handling using @@error and xact_abort. Here's the second installment of this series looking at error handling in nested stored procedures.

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SQLServerCentral Article

Be Prepared

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The error handling in SQL Server leaves something to be desired, especially compared with other RDBMSes and languages. The standard method of testing for errors can leave your code bloated and hard to read. Stefan Popovski looks at another method of handling errors.

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