
Pro Encryption in SQL Server 2022

Pro Encryption in SQL Server 2022: Provide the Highest Level of Protection for Your Data

This in-depth look at the encryption tools available in SQL Server shows you how to protect data by encrypting it at rest with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) and in transit with Transport Level Security (TLS). You will know how to add the highest levels of protection for sensitive data using Always Encrypted to encrypt data also in memory and be protected even from users with the highest levels of access to the database. The book demonstrates actions you can take today to start protecting your data without changing any code in your applications, and the steps you can subsequently take to modify your applications to support implementing a gold standard in data protection.

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2024-07-10 (first published: )

3,118 reads

SQL Server 2022 Query Performance Tuning

SQL Server 2022 Query Performance Tuning: Troubleshoot and Optimize Query Performance

Troubleshoot slow-performing queries and make them run faster. Database administrators and SQL developers are constantly under pressure to provide more speed. This new edition has been redesigned and rewritten from scratch based on the last 15 years of learning, knowledge, and experience accumulated by the author. The book Includes expanded information on using extended events, automatic execution plan correction, and other advanced features now available in SQL Server.

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2024-04-08 (first published: )

9,126 reads

Transact-SQL: The Building Blocks to SQL Server Programming eBook by Gregory A. Larsen

Transact-SQL: The Building Blocks to SQL Server Programming by Gregory A. Larsen

Transact SQL (TSQL) is the languaged used to query and update data stored in a SQL Server. This book, written by SQL Server Central and Simple Talk author Greg Larsen, will give developers an understanding of the basics of the TSQL language. Programmers will have the building blocks necessary to quickly and easily build applications that use SQL Server.

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2024-03-06 (first published: )

10,327 reads

Expert Performance Indexing in Azure SQL and SQL Server 2022

Expert Performance Indexing in Azure SQL and SQL Server 2022

Take a deep dive into perhaps the single most important facet of query performance―indexes―and how to best use them. Newly updated for SQL Server 2022 and Azure SQL, this fourth edition includes new guidance and features related to columnstore indexes, improved and consolidated content on Query Store, deeper content around Intelligent Query Processing, and other […]

2 (1)

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2024-01-17 (first published: )

4,174 reads

Practical Graph Structures in SQL Server and Azure SQL: Enabling Deeper Insights Using Highly Connected Data

Use the graph table features in Azure SQL that were introduced in SQL Server 2017 and further refined in SQL Server 2019. This book shows you how to create data structures to capture complex connections between items in your data. These connections will help you analyze and draw insights from connections in your data that go beyond classic relationships.

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2023-11-22 (first published: )

983 reads

SQL Server Execution Plans eBook, Third Edition, by Grant Fritchey

SQL Server Execution Plans, Third Edition, by Grant Fritchey

Every Database Administrator, developer, report writer, and anyone else who writes T-SQL to access SQL Server data, must understand how to read and interpret execution plans. This book leads you right from the basics of capturing plans, through how to interrupt them in their various forms, graphical or XML, and then how to use the information you find there to diagnose the most common causes of poor query performance.

5 (3)

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2023-08-16 (first published: )

5,831 reads

In-Memory OLTP eBook Download

SQL Server Internals: In-Memory OLTP

In this book, Kalen Delaney explains how the 2016 In-Memory OLTP engine works, how it stores and manipulates data, and how, even with all data stored in memory and no locking or latching, it can still guarantee the ACID properties of all transactions.

5 (1)

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2023-04-28 (first published: )

983 reads


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Question of the Day

Rows estimation with OPENJSON

Consider the following script for a Sql Server database with Compatibility Level at least 130 (Sql Server 2016):

create table tjson (
id int primary key,
j1 varchar(max),
j2 varchar(max),
j3 varchar(max));

insert into tjson (id, j1, j2, j3) 
'[{"c11":"value11A", "c12":"value12A"},{"c11":"value11B", "c12":"value12B"}]',
'[{"c21":"value21A", "c22":"value22A"},{"c21":"value21B", "c22":"value22B"}]',
'[{"c31":"value31A", "c32":"value32A"},{"c31":"value31B", "c32":"value32B"}]');
How many rows does the Query Optimizer estimate for the following query?
select id, c1.c11, c2.c21, c2.c22, c3.c31, c3.c32
from tjson
cross apply openjson(j1) with(
c11 varchar(50) '$.c11',
c12 varchar(50) '$.c12') c1
cross apply openjson(j2) with(
c21 varchar(50) '$.c21',
c22 varchar(50) '$.c22') c2
cross apply openjson(j3) with(
c31 varchar(50) '$.c31',
c32 varchar(50) '$.c32') c3;

See possible answers