I took the plunge and bought one of the new 250GB XBox 360 and Kinect bundles for $399 at Best Buy yesterday. Getting the bundle saves you about $100 over getting the 250GB XBox 360 and the Kinect sensor separately, since it also comes with the game Kinect Adventures. I used an HDMI cable to connect the XBox 360 to my Yamaha RX-V863 receiver in my family room. Pushing the couch back a couple of feet and moving the coffee table to the side gives me plenty of space to make the Kinect Sensor happy (since it wants you to be six to ten feet away). My verdict is that this is much more fun than the Nintendo Wii.
Book Review: Big Red - Voyage of a Trident Submarine
I've grown up reading Tom Clancy and probably most of you have at least seen Red October, so this book caught my eye when browsing used books for a recent trip. It's a fairly human look at what's involved in sailing on a Trident missile submarine...
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