Blog Post

Working Remotely


Most people I know tend to work in one of two places consistently: work or home. So they've built a setup that allows them to comfortably get things done in either location.

I'm not so different in that I work at my desk downstairs most of the time during the day and in bed at night with my laptop. I do lots on the web and in text editors, so I can easily move work from one machine to another. For awhile I'd grab my stuff on a USB key and most it between machines easily. I've even done that on some writing days where I've headed out to work at Starbucks, Barnes and Noble, etc.

However this year I've traveled more than usual. Almost a week at the BI Conference, almost a week at TechEd and I'm getting ready to head to the UK to meet the Red Gate folks next week. So being synched up and working in a remote environment is more important to me now than it's been in the past.

I've wished I could easily synch my two Outlook instances, but I haven't come up with a good way. At this point my PSTs are so large that it's a pain to copy them over, though I might do this for next week. It's something I need to work on with my calendar and other stuff. Plus with a new T-Mobile Dash coming soon, I really need to get things squared away. And figure out how to easily synch things up.

After all, my Terminal Services connections to the desktop won't work too well from the UK.


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