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WITDC Mental Health and Wellness Day- May 7th


Next Friday WITDC is having a Mental Health and Wellness Day virtual event and I’ll be speaking! I can’t tell you how excited I am about joining these amazing speakers. Mental health is a really important subject so I highly recommend taking some time to look through the list of sessions and marking a few down to watch.

I’m sure that most if not all of you know that Covid was the least of what I had to go through last year. If your curious what actually happened I’ll be talking about it in my lightning talk The 4th of July will never be the same. In the theme of the day I’ll not only tell you some of the gory details (expect the occasional poop joke) but I’ll talk about some of the lessons I’ve learned and some of the changes I’ve felt.

I’ll be speaking at 4:35 EDT. Sign up here. Hope to see you there!

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