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Why You Should Test Your SQL Server Backups


My number one reason that you should test your backups is to make sure you know how to restore/recover. The absolute worst time to learn how to restore is when a restore is needed. By regularly testing your backups, you build up muscle memory in how to recover.

By regularly validating your restore solution, you’ll have documented the process. This should be more than just in your head. You should have this fully documented in a runbook so that in the event you are not available, your backup or someone else can follow the procedure to restore.

Regularly restoring your environment will also let you test how long the procedure will take. Over time, databases typically get larger, which can translate to taking longer to restore. Regularly restoring allows for you to validate your ability to meet Recovery Time Objectives as well as Recovery Point Objectives.

Another benefit of testing your backups regularly is that you get to build reusable scripts for doing so as well as discovering any gaps in your procedures or backup routines. Often when I’ve worked with clients and review their backup solutions, I find databases that are in the SIMPLE recovery module that should be in the FULL recovery model with regular log backups.

Regardless if you are taking native SQL Server backups, using Azure SQL Managed Instance, Azure SQL Database, or a third party solution for your backups, knowing and understanding how to perform a restore is important and something that should be documented and regularly tested.

The post Why You Should Test Your SQL Server Backups appeared first on Tim Radney.

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