I’ve been asked several times lately from non-SQL developers that are sometimes required to do some quick SQL work how to use the result set of a query as a variable in a stored procedure. My first thought was I’ll just send them a link to a website that can explain how to do it (yes… so I don’t have to!). After not finding a reference quick enough or maybe basic enough for a non-SQL developer to understand I wrote my own example (also a good excuse for a blog post).
In this example I’m using the AdventureWorksDW2008 database and creating a stored procedure that returns all customer PO numbers where the queried product was sold.
USE AdventureWorksDW2008
ALTER PROC ProductSearch
@ProductName varchar(50)
DECLARE @ProductKey int
SELECT @ProductKey = ProductKey
FROM DimProduct
WHERE EnglishProductName = @ProductName
SELECT CustomerPONumber
FROM FactResellerSales
WHERE ProductKey = @ProductKey
Looking at this query wouldn’t it be easier to just join the two tables? Of course! That’s essentially what’s being done. Like I said though this is more of just an example on how to use a result set in a variable.
Exec ProductSearch 'ML Mountain Frame-W - Silver, 38'
So if your run this procedure here are your results. Hope this helps someone that’s still learning how to work with stored procedures.
CustomerPONumber | |
1 | PO10324111289 |
2 | PO16414129790 |
3 | PO10150121946 |
4 | PO16211136640 |
5 | PO3654183134 |