Some days ago I was talking with my friend Davide Mauri about the uniquifier that SQL Server adds to clustered indexes when they are not declared as UNIQUE.
We were not completely sure whether this behaviour applied to duplicate keys only or to all keys, even when unique.
The best way to discover the truth is a script to test what happens behind the scenes:
-- ============================================= -- Author: Gianluca Sartori - @spaghettidba -- Create date: 2014-03-15 -- Description: Checks whether the UNIQUIFIER column -- is added to a column only on -- duplicate clustering keys or all -- keys, regardless of uniqueness -- ============================================= USE tempdb GO IF OBJECT_ID('sizeOfMyTable') IS NOT NULL DROP VIEW sizeOfMyTable; GO -- Create a view to query table size information -- Not very elegant, but saves a lot of typing CREATE VIEW sizeOfMyTable AS SELECT OBJECT_NAME(si.object_id) AS table_name, AS index_name, SUM(total_pages) AS total_pages, SUM(used_pages) AS used_pages, SUM(data_pages) AS data_pages FROM sys.partitions AS p INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units AS AU ON P.hobt_id = AU.container_id INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS si ON si.index_id = p.index_id AND si.object_id = p.object_id WHERE si.object_id = OBJECT_ID('#testUniquifier') GROUP BY OBJECT_NAME(si.object_id), GO IF OBJECT_ID('#testUniquifier') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #testUniquifier; -- Create a test table CREATE TABLE #testUniquifier ( i int NOT NULL ) -- Results table: will receive table size -- in different scenarios DECLARE @results TABLE( description varchar(500), table_name sysname, index_name sysname, total_pages int, used_pages int, data_pages int ); -- INSERTS 100K UNIQUE VALUES INSERT INTO #testUniquifier SELECT TOP(100000) ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY (SELECT NULL)) FROM sys.all_columns AS AC CROSS JOIN sys.all_columns AS AC1; -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- TEST1: CREATES A UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX (NO UNIQUIFIER) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX UK_test ON #testUniquifier(i); INSERT @results SELECT 'Unique clustered index' AS description, * FROM sizeOfMyTable; DROP INDEX UK_test ON #testUniquifier -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- TEST2: CREATES A NON-UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX -- NO DUPLICATES ARE PRESENT YET -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_test ON #testUniquifier(i) INSERT @results SELECT 'Non-Unique clustered index, no duplicates' AS description, * FROM sizeOfMyTable DROP INDEX IX_test ON #testUniquifier -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- TEST3: CREATES A NON-UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX -- 10000 DUPLICATE VALUES ARE PRESENT -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE TOP(10000) #testUniquifier SET i = 1 CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_test ON #testUniquifier(i) INSERT @results SELECT 'Non-Unique clustered index, some duplicates' AS description, * FROM sizeOfMyTable DROP INDEX IX_test ON #testUniquifier -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- TEST4: CREATES A NON-UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX -- ALL ROWS CONTAIN THE SAME VALUE (1) -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE #testUniquifier SET i = 1 CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX IX_test ON #testUniquifier(i) INSERT @results SELECT 'Non-Unique clustered index, all duplicates' AS description, * FROM sizeOfMyTable -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Display results -- ----------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT * FROM @results;
As you can see, the uniquifier is added only to the keys that are duplicated:
Another way to discover the same results would be looking at the output of DBCC PAGE().
Looking at the text output of DBCC PAGE, uniquifiers are displayed as 0 (zero) when the values are not set, but the values are actually missing from the page.
This becomes even clearer when using DBCC PAGE WITH TABLERESULTS:
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#formatteddata') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #formatteddata; SELECT *, ROWNUM = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY page_id, slot_id) INTO #formatteddata FROM #testUniquifier CROSS APPLY sys.fn_PhysLocCracker(%%physloc%%); IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#dbccpage') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #dbccpage; CREATE TABLE #dbccpage ( page_id int, ParentObject varchar(128), Object varchar(128), Field varchar(128), value varchar(4000), Slot AS SUBSTRING(Object, NULLIF(CHARINDEX('Slot ',Object,1),0) + 5, ISNULL(NULLIF(CHARINDEX(' ',Object,6),0),0) - 5) ) DECLARE @current_page_id int; DECLARE pages CURSOR STATIC LOCAL FORWARD_ONLY READ_ONLY FOR SELECT DISTINCT page_id FROM #formatteddata OPEN pages FETCH NEXT FROM pages INTO @current_page_id WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN INSERT INTO #dbccpage (ParentObject, Object, Field, value) EXEC sp_executesql N'DBCC PAGE (2, 1, @pageid, 3) WITH TABLERESULTS;', N'@pageid int', @current_page_id UPDATE #dbccpage SET page_id = @current_page_id WHERE page_id IS NULL FETCH NEXT FROM pages INTO @current_page_id END CLOSE pages; DEALLOCATE pages; WITH PageData AS ( SELECT page_id, slot, field, value FROM #dbccpage WHERE field IN ('i', 'UNIQUIFIER') ), Uniquifiers AS ( SELECT * FROM PageData PIVOT (MAX(value) FOR field IN (, [UNIQUIFIER])) AS pvt ), sourceData AS ( SELECT * FROM #formatteddata ) SELECT src.ROWNUM, src.i, src.page_id, src.slot_id, UNIQUIFIER FROM sourceData AS src LEFT JOIN Uniquifiers AS unq ON src.slot_id = unq.slot AND src.page_id = unq.page_id ORDER BY ROWNUM;
If you run the code in the different situations outlined before (unique clustered index, non-unique clustered index with or without duplicate keys) you will find the uniquifiers associated with each duplicate key and you will also notice that no uniquifier is generated for the keys that are unique.