Blog Post

Things I Favorited on Twitter (a weekly wrapup, of sorts)


Each Friday on @Midnight">DBAs@Midnight (my live weekly webshow, 11pm CST at!) I don’t feel like I have enough time for my Twitter Favorites List segment. This week I realized…hey! I have a blog!  So here’s your weekly Tweet-wrapup.

SQL and Tech blogs

@RachelAppel: Blogged: Stats, data, and answers, as to why there are so few women in technology fields. #wit #tech #stem

@DataEducation: The recent PowerShell adulation is convincing. And now a PS lovefest from @grrlgeek (saved herself 600 hours/year):

@MidnightDBA: [ITBookworm] Database Mart does support right

@SQLChicken: [NEW BLOG POST]: SQL Server 2012: Business Intelligence Edition #sqlpass #sql2012

@MidnightDBA: [Jen] SQL Tribal Knowledge | SQL Awesomesauce

@MidnightDBA: [Sean] 2 Addictions worth fighting


NaNoWriMo is this month, and Matthew Velic recommends “Write or Die”. This would also be VERY useful for bloggers:
@mvelic: You can also give “Write or Die” a try. I love that site! #SQLwrimo

Nerd News

@alyankovic: The Best Halloween Costumes of 2011, Part Deux:

@MythBusters: Behind the Myths @donttrythis & @JamieNoTweet embark on 28-city US tour in 2012

Cool new bipedal walking robot. Kind of like a headless Terminator:
@donttrythis : I for one welcome our new bipedal robot overlords:

@Slashdot : EU Scientists Working On Laser To Rip a Hole In Spacetime

 Favorite Tweets

@BakseDoesBI : Oh BIDS, I love the way you lie….

@HanSQL:  I finished Jen’s chapter in #SQLMVPDeepDives2 yesterday. It was well written and well thought-out. Thanks for writing it!

@AdamMachanic : Just learned a new word from @ItzikBenGan – “chiasmus” – which has to do with the relationship between parts of prose, a sequence, or query

 NSFW and Politically Polarizing Things I Like

@MladenPrajdic : Yeah! RT @richardroeper: “I’m Clint F—— Eastwood, and this is what I have to say about gay marriage.” BRAVO.

Happy Days,

Jen McCown

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