Blog Post

The Quickest Way To Get SQL Command Help



Every once in a while I discover a SQL Server Management Studio trick that's apparently been around forever but is completely new to me.

Today I want to point out one of those features that had me thinking "how did I not know about this before":

The F1 keyboard shortcut.

Watch this week's video on YouTube

To use it, highlight a command or function that you want to know more information about and then press F1.  Simple as that.

Pressing F1 brings up the Microsoft online documentation for that keyword/function, making it the fastest way of getting to Microsoft's online documentation.  You'll solve your own questions faster than a coworker can tell you "to google it."


Most recently I've been using the F1 shortcut in the following scenarios:

  • Can't remember the date/time style formats when using CONVERT?  Highlight CONVERT and press F1: BOOM! All date and time style codes appear before you.
  • Need to use some option for CREATE INDEX and don't remember the syntax?  Just highlight CREATE INDEX and press F1!  Everything you need is there.
  • Do you remember if BETWEEN is inclusive or exclusive?  F1 knows.  Just press it.

You get the idea.

Assuming you use the online Microsoft docs 10 times per day, 250 days a year, and each time it takes you 10 seconds to open a browser and search for the doc...

( 10/day * 250/year * 10 sec ) / 60 sec / 60 min = 6.94 hours saved.  Your welcome.

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