Blog Post

The Importance of New Speakers–#NewStarNovember


Many of us have learned how to research and get new information online. I certainly think the written word, whether from formal articles at places like SQL Server Central or from an individual’s blog, is very important to many of us looking to learn and grow. Or just solve problems at work. Sometimes we just need a little help understanding things.

Many of us read a lot, but there is something special when we get together in groups at an event like a SQL Saturday or larger conference. There is energy and excitement, inspiration, and engagement that is hard to replicate online or in the written word. Especially during these times when the COVID-19 pandemic separated many of us from regular gatherings with others.

We’ve had an amazing community, but lots of us are getting older. The people who taught me SQL Server, and many of whom have run user groups and organized SQL Saturdays will move on in their lives or retire. I’ve already seen plenty of people lose their energy or get busy with other parts of their lives during the pandemic.

While we’ve had no shortage of speakers, I think we need to grow more for the future. I also want to get a more diverse group of speakers, not because we need more women or other minorities for some political purpose. I want more diversity of speakers because people with different experience and different frames of reference approach problems differently.

I hope that many more of you consider giving a talk. I hope that some of those that do will love it and continue to do it more in the future. I’m also hoping we do see more SQL Saturday events come back in the future as these are a great way to encourage and support new speakers.

Part of a Series of #NewStarNovember posts. If you want to help promote new speakers, consider writing a post as well. Some ideas at the New Stars of Data.

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