Blog Post

The Gift of the SPN


TSQL Tuesday

The second Tuesday of the month is upon us once again. That means it is time for another group blog party called TSQLTuesday. This party that was started by Adam Machanic has now been going for long enough that changes have happened (such as Steve Jones (b | t) managing it now). For a nice long read, you can find a nice roundup of all TSQLTuesdays over here.

This month, we are looking at the last opportunity for the year to contribute to this long-standing tradition. This month being right in the middle of the holiday season, we have an opportunity to explore how we have been blessed over the past year or so.

I personally like the topic. I have one comment concerning the topic before diving in too far. I feel it wise to reflect upon how you may have been blessed in various ways on a far more regular basis. Doing so just once a year is far too infrequent. Thanks to Mala (b | t) for bringing this topic up to remind us of how important it is.

In Malas words:

This is a time for material gift giving, for many of us. It might also be a time to consider the many gifts we have received through the year, and perhaps use this opportunity to appreciate people or situations that we were blessed with.


Service Principal Names (SPN) are used by Kerberos to help associate a service instance to a service logon account. SPNs are useful and powerful little things. That said, sometimes they can cause wonderful little issues with connectivity to SQL Server. One of the more common issues is an error message such as this:

Cannot Generate SSPI Context

As circumstances would have it, the cause of this issue is stated in a kb article as follows.

A Service Principal Name (SPN) for the SQL Server Database Engine may either be missing, misplaced, or is a duplicate to other SPNs configured in the Active Directory of the domain.

I have known many people run out of hair dealing with SPN issues and the dreaded SSPI context error. Gratefully, there are ways to resolve some of these issues and make life just a touch easier. One of the easier ways is a lesser known tool that you can download from Microsoft – here.

The tool is fairly simple to install and use. The one sticking point for using it is that you need to know where to find it so you can use it after it is installed. Here is the path to the executable.

%SystemDrive%:Program FilesMicrosoftKerberos Configuration Manager for SQL Server

The link mentioned provides the path and the install instructions along with more info on on how to use the tool from the command line. Personally, I use the tool to discover my SPNs on the server in question and then if I might be missing any.

Upon opening the tool, you are greeted with this functional screen.

From the welcome screen, click on the “Connect” menu option. From there a new screen will open that prompts for the server name, service account and password. However, if you are just connecting to the local server then none of that is required and you can just proceed. After a few minutes, and with a bit of magic, the SPNs are evaluated and a report is generated. Along with this report, there is even an option to “Fix” the missing SPNs if they exist.

This tool really takes some of the room for error out of the equation and makes the job fairly easy. I recommend it. I have shared this with some sysadmins and they found it to be very helpful and time saving. Check it out!

Wrapping it Up

Every once in a while there is an extremely valuable tool that comes along. While the footprint and use frequency of this tool may not be that big, the tool is essential to making the DBA job easier to do. I recommend getting this tool – especially if you have ever run into SSPI issues.

In this article I showed the Kerberos Configuration Manager Tool for SQL Server to help troubleshoot SSPI Context errors and wayward SPNs. Another exceptionally useful tool is Extended Events. If you are in need of a little tune-up for your XE skills, I recommend reading a bit on Extended Events to get up to date. For other basics related articles, feel free to read here.

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