Just a little under 18 and one half years ago, William came into my life. There are a lot of words to describe a new baby, but the one surround Will's birth is hard to quantify. Don't get me wrong. Joy, happiness, elation, wonder, awe, all-encompassing-love, all of those words were there.
The Graduate & Family |
Let me skip forward in time. William's lung miraculously reinflated. After 5 days the oxygen hood came off, we were able to hold him, and feed him. He came home a bright beautiful bouncing baby boy, and grew so very fast. We have had lots of adventures.
Honorable Mention
Microsoft Digital Event Pre-Show: Azure
FastTrack, Power BI CAT, & Azure Synapse Analytics PG by Bradley Ball, featuring Adam Saxton &
Bradley Schacht & Guy in Cube Twitter @SQLBalls, @BradleySchacht, &
Scaling strategies for large scale AzureCognitive Services deployments by RK Iyer
Announcing General Availability of Azure Data
Studio extension SQL Database Projects by Steve Jones Twitter @Way0utWest via
Getting started with Azure Machine LearningResponsible AI components by Ruth Yakubu Twitter @ruthieyakubu
Azure Resource Inventory by Claudio Merola Twitter @ClaudioMerola_
ChatGPT + Python+ Power BI by Gabe Araujo, M.Sc. Twitter @AIGenesis3
Script to Decode SQL Server Locking and BlockingWait Resources by Eric Blinn Twitter @mssqltips
Pandas, Spark, and Polars - When To Use Which? by Martin Karlsoon Twitter @HelloKarlsson
A Beginner's Guide to Database Reliability
Engineering by Kovid Rathee Twitter @Kovid_R
How Microsoft can help you go passwordless thisWorld Password Day by Alex Weinert Twitter @Alex_T_Weinert
T-SQL Tuesday 162 – Execution plans according toChatGPT by Hugo Kornelis Twitter @Hugo_Kornelis
Getting aGrip on Data and Model Drift with Azure Machine Learning by Natasha Savic & Andreas Kopp
TDE: Database Backups and High Availability by Matthew McGiffen Twitter @mattMcGiffen